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The artistic interventions are integrated into an educational project, this is why la ZEBULONERIE sets several goals :

​- Foster the development of children,


- Contribute to creating a positive dynamic and develop the children's degree of artistic expressiveness, as well as their creativity,


- Facilitate access to artistic education,


- Stimulate the curiosity and sensitivity of children.

Why work with



But also :

- Teach the theory and the practice of Art,

- Develop actions that take place over time,

- Promote existing subjects taught,

- Associate children and adults around a common creative project.


The intervention is developed around a workshop linked to the chosen theme and the defined project, during which the children produce a personal or collective creation. It can also be carried out in the form of a large artistic project to live differently inside the space.

An integral intervention includes a cultural dimension (the meeting / encounter with the works), an artistic dimension (the encounter with the artist) and an educational dimension (progressive acquisition of references and skills), in order to lead to a production by the children and then to be introduced as a public exhibition.

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- Presentation

(solicitation and connection),


- Reflection and experimentation

(try and invent processes)


- Realisation


- Exhibition

(or restitution of creations, developing critique)

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